Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cool Link of the Week

I always love a good website to kill some time, especially ones with a lot of data that I can sink my teeth into. I recently found a great one, City Data!

On this website, you can look up cities across the United State and retrieve information on:
* Population
* Level of Education of your community
* Average House Price
* Average Weather
* Famous people born in a specific city

Another interesting element is that you can see who the sexual offenders are in your area. Upon looking at the list of deviants, there looks to be an unwritten heirarchy of perverts. The worst is rape, followed by Aggravated Kidnaping Of A Child and then Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse. In comparison, the least offensive is Child Pornography/film/photos.

I took a look to see what sort of deviants live in my community. Sure enough, there was one that I knew who lives down the street from us. I met the guy a few weeks back at a our block party and he seemed like a nice guy - married with two kids. Suffice to say, it was quite a surprise to see him pop-up on the list. He offense was listed as kiddy porn, which I hope is that he accidently ran across a website with a naked 17 year old for two seconds. Regardless, I don't think Baby Gee will be playing with his kids anytime in the next 18 years.

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