Monday, June 25, 2007

Greatest 80's Song Ever!!!

Sure, the eighties have produced some remarkable hits - Rock Me Amadeus, Come On Eileen, Electric Avenue - but most of these songs are void of any sort of message. They may pick you up and make you want to snap your fingers, but you have to comb very finely this rich catalogue of music in order to uncover the ditty that has great lyrics, a fantastic beat, as well as a public service announcement. The only song that I know that has this richness is the classic by Men Without Hats, Safety Dance.

Prior to the release of this song, Caucasians were flailing their arms around like George Michael in the Wake Me Up Before You Go Go video. With elbows flying in the are and bottom lips being bitten, no one was safe on the dance floor. Men Without Hats sought to end this madness.

They had a lot of guts too because most songs with a message, have that point made subtly so you have to listen hard to interpret the meaning. The answer is Blowing in the Wind. What the hell does that mean. We sure know what Safety Dance means. "We Can Dance, We Can Dance, Everybody look at your hands". Brilliant!!! Make sure your hands are attached to your body. Don't punch the Robert Smith look alike by accident.

The icing on the cake is that they don't just say Safety Dance about a thousand times, they also spell it out, literally. S-s-s-s A-a-a-a F-f-f-f E-e-e-e T-t-t-t Y-y-y-y.

If you don't think this is the eptiome of 80's genius, then you obviously do not know music or pop culture.

1 comment:

  1. Safety Dance is terrible. It's the worst piece of crap ever written. Now, Men at Work's Down Under ... that's pure genius!
