Monday, March 31, 2008

Wheel on the Bus At Gymboree

A strange occurence took place at Gymboree this weekend. Shortly after bubble time, it was lap time. Our usual instructor, Amy, had the day off so Julie took over. We started with the Noble Duke of York and then started The Wheels on the Bus. I couldn't believe my ears!!!

We sang: "The Wheels on the Bus go round and round all around the town". I said to the dad next to me, I can't believe they are not going "round and round here at Gymboree". His response was, "She must have not gotten the memo".

Jake only has four more weeks of his Saturday Level 4 class and then that is it for me. My wife is going to take him to art class on Thursdays and I am going to take him to the pool over the summer!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all your Gym-lyrics! Much appreciated...helps sleep deprived parents recall the words.
    Interesting observation on the corporatization of what used to be common children's songs. If you ever have time to go see an old, old Gym-book, from the early 80s, (found one in a library) the songbook as used then is intact from pop culture, or, the songs we knew as kids. The revised lyrics with references to the franchise arise later.
