Friday, April 4, 2008

18 Month Words

My little boy Jake will be turning 18 months in two weeks. Does he recite Shakespeare, no? Can he say some stuff, hell yeah! Because he has mad smarts, you. What words does baby Jake say, you ask. Well here they are:
  1. Baby
  2. Bee
  3. Turtle
  4. Moo (cow)
  5. Baa (sheep)Maa (goat)
  6. Bloop Bloop (fish)
  7. Hee Haw (donkey)
  8. Boo (ghost)
  9. Shoes
  10. Tree
  11. Truck
  12. Daddy
  13. Hi
  14. Mama
  15. Nana
  16. Papa
  17. BaBa (his uncle)
  18. Book
  19. This
  20. That
  21. Pee

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