Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ralph Nader: The Saboteur

I went to an outdoor concert last night and sat outside the entrance awaiting the arrival of my friends. Some dope with a Fruit Loops shirt approaches me and asks if I will sign a petition to get a third party candidate on the ballot. I am all for the Democratic process and support the little man, so I agreed. When I asked who the candidate was, he replied Ralph Nader.

To this I told him that I would not be able to sign his petition since Nader was the idiot who took over 97,000 in Florida in 2000. Had this glory hungry punk who never stood a chance, not run, Gore would be the recipient who would have received the majority of these votes. With Nader out of the picture, Gore would have won Florida and the American presidency, period!!! We would not be overseen by the current boys club in the Oval Office.

When I explained to Fruit Loop that I would not be able to and gave the reasons above, he stated that it was really Jeb Bush's fault and throwing out the votes of the black voters. I resisted but he kept coming back with how it didn't matter anyway because Obama would take Illinois (where I live) easily. This is true but why then did this guy give such a crap. The was the same mindset doobie smoking Eddie Vedder fans thought in 2000 Florida.

I ended up signing because I didn't want to put up a fight and wanted to just enjoy Willie Nelson. In the end, isn't that what every one wants? The answer is no.

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