Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Charice Pempengco, Why does oprah care?

My wife likes to watch Oprah. I sometimes listen in to what is going on because I like to keep in touch with my what she is in to. So, Oprah has this girl on Charice Pempengco, this Filipina singer who sounds like a rock star from the karaoke circuit.

I cannot see why Oprah would dedicate a whole show to this minimal talent hack. Somehow this poor little girl from a shack in a ghetto is able to upload her lame performance of Whitney Houston's 'I Got Nothing' on YouTube and learn to speak perfect English. Did she learn this while she was letting her dad kick beat up her mom? The love fest continued for an hour as everyone kept gushing about Charice and how much she overcame and all the good things in the future with her vocal ability.

I haven't been this irate since America kept voted for the leprechaun David Archuleta. Perhaps I can see how some fifty year old ladies would think she has talent and is going to take over mainstream radio. But anyone who appreciates music will see Charice as a glorified, little talent nice story but please keep her in perspective. She cannot write music, has the depth of a puddle, and does little to inspire.


  1. You're just frustrated because Charice makes you feel like a loser. ;) Suck it up, Dorothy.

  2. I'm a Filipina who has a mom that worships her. Mainstream success my ass. The only ones who care are Filipinos ignorantly absorbed in their racial pride (as if they'd care if it was some Chinese chick with the same "talent") and 50 year-old ladies who are only amused by an Asian girl who can blow all the air out of her lungs.

  3. I know it's really easy to become a jerk on the keyboard, but you just showed how much of a sore loser you are, you helpless little crab. Good luck getting over your jealousy. :)

  4. That comment made me laugh. Why am I not surprised you're filipina? Most of Charice's haters are made up of crab-mentality induced filipino folks. Here you are absorbed in your crazy little bubble of hatred towards the kid, while Charice is shining elsewhere. You spew degrading comments on her because you want to feel better about your pathetic self. I predict a sequel on the Incredible Hulk movie, only you'd star in it, except your color would be greener. ;)

  5. What is your problem? Oprah likes charice because unlike you, she appreciates [your so called] "minimal talent hacks". Charice Pempengco is a young 15 year old Filipina girl,she can't compose her own songs because she's a singer, not a composer. And for your information, Philippines is an English speaking country, we don't learn English when our dad's beating up our moms, we learn English when we go to school. Charice has a beautiful big voice, you call that a minimal talent? Well if you don't like her then don't like her. you don't have to make her look bad, she didn't do anything wrong to you, did she? It's just you're opinion anyways, i know a lot of people appreciates her little but big talent. You're a jerk by the way :D

  6. i will answer your question you loser..oprah cares because she's a genuine hearted girl and she got talent and OBVIOUSLY you don't!!! go lick up your sore loser feelings!!!pathetic

  7. Well, Oprah invited her because she needs it. Actually, not all Filipinos care for her or knows her. trust me, I'm one of them. Her popularity wont last long.

  8. Such a loser. How come a "minimal talent" girl able to surprise Andrea Bocelli? He personally picked her made a duet with him after listen she sing.

    Bocelli: I was in a TV program in America participated in, really, by all the greatest American artists. You might be wondering what I was doing in their midst, but surely I was there for a reason (laughter). Someone approached me in my dressing room and said, "Look, you should come and listen to an extraordinary voice, a young girl with an incredible voice. I'm usually skeptical about these comments but I went to check out and at the end of the song, there was an incredible standing ovation! I went to congratulate her. She thanked me and candidly told me, "I would like to sing with you". I asked her, "What song would you like to sing with me?" She responded, "The Prayer". Well, Mission accomplished! Ladies and Gentlemen, Charice is only 16 years old. For the rest, you yourselves make the judgment

  9. charice sucks I cant stand her and thats true Filipinos are ignorantly absorbed in their racial pride.

  10. Too bad, it is you who needs help with the subject you are trying to raise and stir. Foster, Winfrey, Cowell, etc. would not be popular for nothing had they had your "analytical prowess". For LOL!!!!

  11. I couldn't agree more! Charice has no talent whatsoever, anyone with musical training or in-depth knowledge will agree. I have many phillipino friends and I've expressed my opinion to them, some of them don't like her either.

  12. fat, short and ugly. voice is crap, too masculine and annoying. Next year no one will remember who she is anymore

  13. Never really liked her. I think she sings okay, but she's nothing special.

    No one here in the Philippines took notice of her until she got a break in the states. It was nothing but the usual Filipino pride that gave her all the hype, not her singing. I'd doubt most of her fans in the Philippines would still be interested in her if she weren't Filpino.

  14. take away all the negativity in yourself and then you will appreciate the beauty of others.love yourself i think your lacking of it.

  15. Personally, I really believe that she has no vocal ability at all. It's not the spectacular, compared to others, and it's the same voice that I hear everyday. Also, I feel as if she is just forcing the voice out. I mean, whenever you look at her face, it seems as if she is in pain. Another thing that I find awfully annoying about her is the obsession with the Filipinos. I mean, I'm Chinese and Filipino, and honestly, I couldn't give a crap about her stupid attitude. I once saw her on some interview where she was talking about how many bodyguards she had to have during the Macy's day parade, and the lady called her down-to-earth. Seriously, in NY, unless you're a tourist, nobody would bother walking up to her, unless of course they were Filipino. Honestly, if she was some other ethnicity, people in Phil. wouldn't even care about her. She is also extremely weird. What the hell is up with her skipping every time she is on a show? Also, my mother made me listen to one of her songs, "Fingerprint". It was one of the worst songs I have ever heard. I mean, I would rather listen to Hannah Montanna or something. And yeah, I'm sooo jealous of Charice Pempengco. Jealous my ass. Rather than faking some "power voice" to everyone, I study hard like the good little nerd that I am. That is true though. After a while, nobody will care about her anymore.

  16. What a crappy website full of crappy people.

  17. I am not a fan of Charice Pempenco simply because while she can sing, I don't see her as a singer. She can only copy, mimic and overdo singers she copy, like impersonators do. I heard the song off her album and sadly there's nothing even special about it. I Would always settle for originals, wether it's Mariah, Celine or Whitney than the copy cats trying to make a name for themselves by copying others.

  18. Charise can only yell her words. If you know music then you would notice that she can't sing nor pronounce words in the lower ranges. With her accent, she eats her words when she comes across a word she can't really pronounce.

    People here are not jealous of her or make bad comments to make us feel better. Filipino Americans already feel good about themselves. We just think she is an embarrassment to the Filipino American community and to all who had formal musical lessons.

    Those people who can't take the negative comments should just fuck off. When you are in the public eye a singer knows to take the good comments with the bad and deal with it.

  19. i'm a pure filipino professional musician and i don't like the way she sings. she can only yell the words but other than that she's not really a singer.

    also i don't see her as a humble one but as i can see she wants to be above all the singers that she sings with. she always wants to be on top. a little arrogant i should say.

    theres a lot of great filipino singers, i dont understand why they picked her. strange.

  20. yeah i dont like her either..
    over exposure might have caused her to have swelled head..
    she's a singer alright..but that's all she can do..nothing special about her..sorry for being too mean..but that's what i think..
    a lot of people i know doesn't like her as well..and yeah a lot more filipino singers deserve to be noticed..they can do a lot better than her..

  21. sounds good to me,, someone who doesn't like a screaming copy of another artist,, and it seems the only people who love this artist charice are flipinas ,, well americans have the dough and that is where the real test comes in,, oprah has a stake in charice,,she asked david foster to produce this girl ,, hollywood is money and they all are hoping she hits it big.. with original material,, only the public will make her or break her and if she doesn't sell it is good bye mr chips,,,

  22. If you watch filipino entertainment news, they always mention how beautiful her home and the appearance that she makes. How she came out of poverty. Thats pride to them. The real talent on this girl is the P.R. machine. She's diffinitely all hype, money and minimal talent. Compare her to Susan Boyle, its like night and day. Talent vs YOUTUBE. I have not seen this girl in the U.S. mainstrem news media interviews. I wonder why???

  23. It has been over a year or so now and Charise has not really captured the international market yet! Why? The answer is simple, no one really wants a glorified karaoke singer!! That is all she is!!! A real talent is someone who can write her own songs and be ORIGINAL!!

    Here's the hard fact: She has not landed any big music labels in the US!! Nor will she ever get the chance!! Someone who looks like her is not at all marketable. The music industry is very critical when it comes to looks and she just doesn't have it!! Being associate with David Foster has actually damaged her so called career in the US. David Foster caters to OLD PEOPLE. Who is going to be popular being associated with that kind of producer!! What a joke!!!

    For all you Charise lovers out there, do you have any facts to back up how GREAT your singer is? I don't think so!! The current known fact is that she has already sizzled away from INTERNATIONAL attention!! That is the reason why she is only in the Philippines now. Even there people criticize her for being a COPYCAT. Even her country is not against her. LOL In the end, it is better that way because I can't stand her stupid smug look when she is performing!! The rags to riches has been overly told! Who cares?!!!

    WRITE YOUR OWN SONGS CHARICE. Ops, first you have to learn how to do that!!!!

  24. Your profile DOES NOT represent the kind of thoughts you have.

    Obviously you have issues on people whom you feel you are superior yet get past you.

    How can you be a better father, and make it right when in the simpliest thing you do not agree - you already feel entitled to belittle someone.

    And all these people who are world known who invited her are not as smart as you people who have as well issues.

    You must be not so happy on your lives or successful to be so sourgraping.

  25. I have to say that I don't like Charice at all. She's just OK as a singer. I hate it when she yells and I feel so tense looking at her face while she's singing. I don't like her style and the way she acts. However, u sound so harsh. I mean, what does her family situation have anything to do with judging her as a singer? U just sound kinda spiteful come on she's just a little kid.

  26. A little kid?!! She is hardly a little kid anymore!!! They are trying to pass her as a young singer, but the reality is that she is just another "trying hard singer"!! That stuff her dumb mother makes her wear make her look like a retarded midget.

  27. I agree with you. Yes she can sing but it's nothing special. Her voice is just..ordinary, plain. She would not be definitely remembered next year, or maybe even next month or next week. No offense, I'm a filipino just like her but I don't like her the first time I saw her and even if she went to America or wherever, I won't like her.

  28. I noticed something while reading the past comments! All who hataes Charice here have errrrr...... Filipino bloods? What does this mean? Filipino are really crabs???? Hehehe... It's sad to think that the one pulling Charice down is her fellow countrymen.

  29. Hey! you haters, tell your issues to David Foster, Oprah,charice voice coach, andrea bocelli and celine dion. Maybe they got the wrong kid.


    Dumb you haters! May you burn in hell!

  30. yeah, all those has-beens are backing up a person who will never be popular internationally!!

    You Charice lovers Suck the big one!! Fuck off!!!

  31. To all Charice haters. I wonder how many of you really sing. Seriously. Real singers can tell if someone is really good or not. A lot of singers, even classical operatic singers as well as veterans in the music world and business, are all praises for this little girl Charice. All great singers in this world somehow started singing other people's songs.

  32. Charice already had her first U.S. Solo concert at the Big E in Massachusetts a week ago. The crowd was mostly Americans numbering close to five thousand. At the start of the concert, they were probably saying 'hey who's this girl'? At the end of the concert, they were passionately raving about her and I must say were instant converts. Read about it, google it, WATCH her videos. Need I say more?

  33. 2010 will be the year of Charice, WITHOUT A DOUBT. And further on...

  34. Charice is simply amazing. Have you ever watched the 'comparison' or 'versus' videos pitting Charice with other established singers? Charice simply blows them away and a lot of people end up liking her versions better than the ones sung by the original singers of the songs.

    Why do you keep talking about Filipino racial pride? Im not even Filipino and I'm a Charice fan !

  35. "A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself."

  36. The reason why some people don't like Charice is because they're listening to a different genre of music like rock, metal, indie, classical or something else, which is totally different from the type of music that Charice sings to. No problemo with that.

  37. The reason why people hate charice is because the girl is annoying!!!

  38. No,YOU are annoying! Jealous pervert you are! All this bashing will eventually get back to you, big time.

  39. Charice is just a dumb little midget who just belts it out all the time. I agree, that girl needs another way to sing! It is getting on everyone's nerves!!!

  40. Ahaha, this person needs Q-tips fast, to clean his ears. He doesn't realize it but it's actually him getting into everybody's nerves. We're all laughing now! The whole world loves Charice!

  41. Anyone who loves Charice must be low class!! There is no Americans or American Filipinos that I know who even likes this girl!!

  42. Haha, It seems Beth does not even read the news or is updated about anything current. His mind is filled with so much hate for a single person that it's closed shut like a bank vault. You need a blowtorch to pry open his mind. Haha. But who would even bother to do that? Such a waste of time.

  43. This is for Beth, Luke, or whatever name you wanna come up with. Insecure, jealous and people with low self-esteem by nature seek and find bad things in everyone even if they are not true. Find something good in yourself and maybe you won't be so critical of other people which in no way is your business.

  44. Beth must be living or confined in a jail cell. She doesn't know what's going on around her. When were you sentenced to jail? Or maybe you've been in solitary confinement which has probably made you crazy to say all these things.

  45. I loved her big voice, her attitude and confidence on the stage.
    Im her fans not because she's filipina. Duh. It doesn't really matter where she came from.

    *Hambog ang ibang pinoy*

    She was discovered by an american producers and not by a filipino.
    But before she was discovered, charice is nothing.

    (she performed on the stage *philippines* when she was 4 years old, but nobody wants her, she was rejected by filipino itself many times.)

    And a miracle happens.
    Love You charice

  46. Low class mother-fucking filipino charice loving bitches are the ones to support Charice the midget yeller!!

  47. Hey Mike, you seem to be talking about yourself.

  48. Charice sucks and won't amount to anything!! Charice lovers won't amount to anything either!! hahaha lol

  49. someone regularly horded by filipino charicersOctober 18, 2009 at 3:11 PM

    It's too easy to say someone is jealous. Being a cheap-skate talent-hack who gets her fame the easy way by partaking in consolation prizes isn't anything to be jealous about. It's like when she was in the Ellen show, "Thanks for amusing us, so here's a free iPod dirt poor third world country girl." If I were her, I'd throw it at her face, "I'll get my fame on my own, I don't need your ****in charity."

    I'm tired of people trying to make race as something that is bigger than it actually is, or something that needs to be "fulfilled". If you want to keep spewing your false-driven sociophilosophical views, keep music out of it or take a sociological class and find out how ignorant you are. Music should be blind, you're not supposed to give a flying **** what they look like.

    Since when do Filipinos care what these Foster Bocelliosdf people think? I bet most didn't know who they were before the spectacle. I know I didn't. And then I found out, "Ohh, they make old people musc." Likewise with those "has beens". I heard she wants to try pop and R&B. Good luck to her, she'll need it.

    People are entitled to have any kind of opinion. It just depends on how constructive it is. Most of her fans aren't singers either.

    If the crowd was wondering, "Who is this girl?" I figure it was another tag-along concert and that those Americans weren't there to see her.

    "She was discovered by an american producers and not by a filipino.
    But before she was discovered, charice is nothing." --- As spoken from a fan. But it's not like I didn't already know that a lot of them don't know what's really come out of their mouth.

  50. Seriously, who is she again?!! Has she done anything original? From all the comments, it seems she has nothing of her own to show.

  51. to 'someone regularly horded'.
    Wow, u are really wastin your time writin that long piece of yours. Hahaha. It's working, we're gettin on your frickin nerves aren't we. hahaha. We're enjoyin your disgust actually. Keep writing. There's nothing you can do to stop us. You can't get us off your back, ever! wahahaha!

    And oh, please don't be scared. It's okay to be scared once in awhile. Cowering in fear once in awhile is okay. nyatnyatnyat.

  52. whoaa, what is going on here? Oh I see, it's a civil war. Philipinos vs Philipinos. Ive heard this before from my Philipinoe neighbors.

    Anyway, after going through all these comments. I really do not get why a certain group of Philipinoes do not like Charice.

    Charice is fantastick! I think it's mostly Philipinoes who do not like her. We're of a 2nd generation german immigrants now setled in the WEst coast. Life is good. Stop the hate. Have peace.

  53. Best comment so far:

    Anonymous said...

    Never really liked her. I think she sings okay, but she's nothing special.

    No one here in the Philippines took notice of her until she got a break in the states. It was nothing but the usual Filipino pride that gave her all the hype, not her singing. I'd doubt most of her fans in the Philippines would still be interested in her if she weren't Filpino.

  54. Beth said...

    Anyone who loves Charice must be low class!! There is no Americans or American Filipinos that I know who even likes this girl!!

    I didn't know who the girl was until recently. As a music lover I give it a go and checked some videos out and was very unimpressed. She can sing but her voice is not warm or captivating, I don't understand why Oprah would dedicate a whole program to an obvious karaoke/pub singer. I don't think she will ever go mainstream apart from the usual changeable Internet. If she does, it's just another pop star disgrace for money and business sake. There is nice non-pretentious pop out there. We don't need charice to entertain us.

    As a last note, I'm not filipino or low class.

  55. If you listen to this you must be really stupid. Why waste your precious time in this talentless hack? There's better music out there, music that was actually composed, written and delivered by an artist. Get some culture people! Stop being silly!

  56. Oh Charice haters, count me in!

    Well for Charice fanatics, oh please, one just can never please everybody and you can do nothing about it!

    As for me, I think she sings good and could hit the proper tones, but that alone can't make me LOVE her like the others do. Of course not.

    Alright then, she sings the songs of celine, whitney, so forth..but you know, i don't see any genuine skill she possesses. I don't see her as an original artist. I see her as a COPYCAT. I think that it's very important to have something to show that is your own and not something you only copied from the others.

    Everytime I look at her and listen to her, I get so annoyed and would rather change the channel on the tv. I hear the same song again and again, same style. Not really that creative of her. Not the kind that would make you say "oh she's just too spectacular" before you go to sleep. She can never leave a mark of her own if she continues copying again and again. And to those who says she is just a little girl, well think again!

    She's a little girl NO MORE. And she even looks OLD. What made you think she's only a little girl is because she's short. And that's way too different.

    And lastly, perhaps, I would stop hating her if she will be humble enough and not the type that tries hard to take the spotlight from the one she sings with just by shouting so much!

  57. To the person who commented last: you are the voice of reason!! If you listened to the David Foster and Friends concert, you'll hear the same boring songs from her. I personally don't think she has any creativity or originality what so ever. She never amount to anything but a glorified sideshow.

  58. WTF! okay im filipino and She IS annoying and he's got a point seriously she's a total sucker who cares.. my parents are like in love with her saying she's a great child and stuff like that seriously she's a total suck up and dont even say im jealous i am not who would she's a big ass....

  59. Charice is a mimic. Does she even have a song she created or created by others for her specifically? She keeps singing the same old songs made popular by Whitney, Celine and Jojo.

    Outside of the Philippines and Filipinos all over the world (10% of the population of the Philippines), does Charice have any sort of legitimate fanbase?

    After "Note to God", good luck to her in her efforts to be get in Top40 style radio stations. She'll need a miracle to say the least. At ako ay isang Filipino ;)

    As others have stated, would Filipinos even care if she were Malaysian or Thai or Indonesian?

  60. Pacquiao is the only Filipino to be proud of, not Charice!!!

  61. Hey, Regine and Sarah sucks! hahahahaha! Thats true! That's all there is to it. No wonder...

  62. wow..a group of charice haters..nakakaloka! lol

    too bad, she's really being recognized..and earning..i heard she has already a condo and a mansion...she didn't really care about fame, what she wanted is food for her family..so yun pa lang winner na siya.

    sabagay nakakainis kaya na yung kinakainisan mo sumisikat..kakainis..lol

  63. baka hindi kayo updated kay charice, kasama nga pala siya sa alvin and the chipmunks movie kasi under CAA pala siya (o baka hindi nyo alam kung ano ang CAA, google it para may idea kayo)mawindang kayo sa mga artists na under noon..

    mag geguest din sya sa Singapore Idol this coming Dec 27 then lalabas na yung single nya feat Iyaz..o, original yun. bigatin pala mga composers niya..lol..

    endorser na din sya ng seinheisser..sorry kung mali spelling ko..

    lalabas na din yung album niya..kung ayaw nyo edi wag kayo bumili di namn kayo pinipilit..lol..

    i-view nyo rin madalas yung youtube videos nya para mas madami kayo negative comments na magawa..para masaya diba..lol

  64. @Anonymous December 16, 2009 3:52 AM & December 16, 2009 3:41 AM

    1.) Charice is being recognized? How? I don't see her on the Billboard charts. I don't see her getting nominated for anything by any credible award giving body.

    2.) She's signed by CAA, endorsing stuff, and appearing at Singapore Idol? Ooh, what exalted achievements. /sarcasm off

    Wake me up when the girl can even be part of a tour of a popular musician or band. Let me remind you that David Foster's tour is for old people. People old enough to get senior citizen discounts.

    too bad, she's really being recognized..and earning..i heard she has already a condo and a mansion...she didn't really care about fame, what she wanted is food for her family..so yun pa lang winner na siya

    Because artistic success and integrity are measured by one's ownership of condos and mansions. AWESOME.

    Once again, I'm asking if Charice even has a fanbase outside of Filipinos? Do Filipinos outside of the country who don't subscribe to TFC and GMA channels know and give a damn about her?

  65. muyasid ggnocmas, card krusher. idtioissss lowt. yalid yall America. Hahahahaha!

  66. name for this blogger is right - dumb brain

  67. Another person wrote this, and I rewrite it: "I'd doubt most of her fans in the Philippines would still be interested in her if she weren't Filpino."

    Her US album will flop, and even other Asians (non Filipinos) won't bother with the ugly midget. Her album will be a big flop.

  68. Hey Anonymous, I think you're the one who's a flop.


    An insecure flop.

    A flop everyday for the rest of hiser life.

  69. Hey Anon January 3, 2010 8:58 PM

    Since you fancy yourself as an expert of the field of flopping, care to explain why/ how Charice's album will not be a flop?

    Check my latest blog entry why supporting Filipino copycats is stupid (inutil) Filipinos spit on themselves by supporting Arnel Pineda and Chanrice Pempengco.

  70. Hey Anonymous, I think you're the one who's a flop.


    An insecure flop.

    A flop everyday for the rest of hiser life.

  71. I noticed something while reading the past comments! All who hataes Charice here have errrrr...... Filipino bloods? What does this mean? Filipino are really crabs???? Hehehe... It's sad to think that the one pulling Charice down is her fellow countrymen.

  72. Who is Charice? A nobody from a third world country, with no talent, a copycat, a pub/karaoke singer. Only fools will support this tiny tiny thing. On top she is ugly, fat and her voice makes me sick. Just another internet glorified show that will vanish in no time. Why supporting and give any importance to this minimal hack girl? Get smart people, there is artists with talent out there who actually write, compose and perform THEIR OWN songs. Just a bunch of retards/morons would give this tiny aberration Charice any matter. Do you support and think this third world trash has any talent? You do not know anything about music, singing or talent. Just stop listening to music all together.

  73. Most antis dislike Charice because of her overconfident attitude, and the the way she acts as if she's better than anyone else. Yeah, sure she has talent. But the way she expresses it bugs me; like there was no one who can match her. Plus...she should start writing her own songs. She's only famous because of the well-known people around her. I'm not jealous. Seriously. I'd rather be a no-talent idiot than somebody with that kind of a personality.

  74. WOW ! so many jealous assholes here huh :) why would you hate someone who has done nothin to you ? you people are just some jealous stupid jerks, like seriously, get a life ! charice sings very well, she's so humble and very very nice to people, she's never harmed anyone. and if charice was just a normal person ( not popular ) she wouldn't comment something hateful to others like you people do ! UGH you make me wana gag ! people nowadays are so evil ! karma will hit you fer sure!

  75. I've heard that she makes filipinos look bad internationally? I guess that is true since we are looked at as singing monkeys like charice!!

  76. Have you seen Charice' new look?? It seems she has a new career on the horizon. They made her look like a new MIDGET PORN-STAR!! hahaha

  77. Her yelling is really annoying!! That big head of hers is really revolting!!

  78. The 'Pyramid' song was written for her by David Foster. That still make her a hack and not original!!! I've also agree to other sites saying that you can't even understand the words she is singing!! How sad is that!!!

  79. Charice beautiful?? I don't think so!!! Don't be fooled people!! No matter how much they try to change her look, she still looks like a midget. Peel away the fake hair, black clothing, and fake eye color, she will always be a mongoloid! Look for yourself! No wonder they keep hiding her shoulders! It will show how small her torso is compared to her big head!!


  80. its seems she only has her moments when oprah talks about her. Two weeks later and thats it. I know she has a great voice, but her attidtude is ugghgigassahettugggggg.... Which makes me hate her. And hell im not jealous of her, why is it that just bcause someone hates a rich,or famous, or a great singer, every lover just have to say were jealous! Seriously thats getting old, you better get some new comebacks that actually make sense, so fuck offff

  81. I'm with ANTICharice club!!! hahah
    She's a stupid moron! And she's not good!!! always having a big voice and shouting! So boastful now!! very ugly. why not use her money to fix her face!She has an Attitude Problem!

  82. Thank God her album failed again internationally!!! hahahahahahhahahah LOL

    Quit singing you hack!! All you do is yell!! Yeah, I'm talking to you Charice!! Fuck you!!!

  83. not all Filipinos like Charice. so stop saying that racial pride. in my own opinion,i really do not like Charice.even when she is starting her singing career here in our country, she was never noticed. I was shocked when i heard the news that she appeared in Oprah's show. Her voice is so ordinary. If you want singers like her, there are a lot in the Philipines.I guess she is just a very lucky girl.Try posting videos of other Filipino singers in Youtube and I tell you,Charice will be forgotten. I am not pulling her down or something, i am just telling the truth :D

  84. the anonymous who said that charice will right her own songs well im not a charice fan or charice hater but i like her song "pyramid" well charice is a singer right? but she is not a composer and charice's boastfulness is getting to the higher level but i meet her once she is really nice but she is overconfidence and she has a true voice rather than justin bieber that has computers with it but couldn't believe that she is at the top she met alot of stars its not her fault its her manager he makes charice look bad so overconfidence and boastful and pride and whatsoever but when charice is no star im sure she wouldn't be that bad

  85. yah ur kinda' of right even thouh i am filipino i seriously dont think that charice isnt that good in my prespective...but we dont know how far she goes...but maybe we all idk its all or nothing...

  86. i think that person is right maybe his manager's fault,I search that charice doesn't like to be bad and being bad she just wanted to be happy and have a perfect life and i read that charice's manager is always with her because she has to be confident but she's already confident but his manager said more confidence so she became overconfidence end boastful and pride.

  87. I'm half filipina and i say she has a nice voice, but her performances are dreadful. when she does a cover of someone else's songs she doesn't try to make it her own. I bet she couldn't even write a single line of her own song. sometimes she sounds whiny, and she overreacts her emotions. face it people... she's really not that great... and to think she was dubbed Most Talented Girl in the World by Oprah. Puh-lease. I think the little girl on Britain's Got Talent, Connie Talbot, has more promise. Jeez. and now they're thinking of putting Charice on glee for a few episodes. damn it. i'll probably never be able to watch that show anymore without groaning at the sight of Charice

  88. I just saw Charice on Oprah again. I guess Oprah is trying to call attention to her find because Charice is suppose to be joining the cast of Glee. I think this really has more to do with Oprah than Charice. I think Oprah is under the delusion that everything that she touches has to turn to gold and that she can force feed her audience whatever she wants and people are automatically suppose to buy into it just like with that Eckhart Tolle Buddhism re-hash a few years ago. Oprah doesn't treat people fairly. There was a guy named Bernard LaChance's a while back who produced his own show and he reserved 2 seats for her and Gail in the theater and he put and invitation out on YouTube to her. I'm sure Oprah's producers told her to invite him on her show to perform and you could tell by her tone and look on her face that she really didn't want to acknowledge this guy. It's clear that this guy really works hard to move his career forward while Oprah just hands the crown jewels over to Charice without a fight. I don't blame Charice. Charice is just another karaoke wannabe who got lucky because she fell under the graces of the goddess Oprah. It's Oprah who is really unfair. Every year she does that Karaoke challenge thing and she chooses the most mediocre talent and maybe one good one so it's pretty much fixed from the get go. And after these people win they fall off the face of the earth like some of the those idol winners like Rubin Studard and Hicks. Charice isn't able to do it on her own and that little girl act isn't going to last forever.





  90. wow ..these are some of the ideas I had about Charice in the beginning but her countrymen were constantly going nuts on my comments .. yes charice is not an original and you have to be an original to sustain a career..good example is susan Boyle.. she is like the Kate Smith of world war 2.. she is your dreams and ambitions come true ... but charice .. only time will tell if she lasts with or without the oprah management and being produced by david foster who needed a breath of fresh air with another artist.. as he is getting on age wise.. grammys, divorces, child support..yep getting on... will charice last??is she a good singer??? I would say a good singer but only time will tell if she will last as an artist or .. is she a good air raid signal for the big earthquake in los angeles calif..hummm we shall see in time

  91. I would like to comment on why does oprah care.. the answer is always the same ... Money... she has a stake in management in charice..she got david foster involved in the productions and it is off to the races .. to another pile of gold... but one thing you never think of .. The Public... will they accept this .. or will they get bored since we already have artists with this sound ... original .. No.. but with original material and maybe a movie and maybe a video produced by dago gonzalez .. that could change the ballgame...

  92. She is ugly with really bad teeth. I bet she smells bad too!


  94. Makes me laugh to see how many negative people on this blog. Well Dave my boy, I can see you wrote this article last september 2008. A lot of things happened since then. Remember that girl named Charice whom you are frustrated about. Well, she will join Glee now and she just made a record for herself, the first Asian to be in the Top 10 in Billboard 200 chart. She will be touring in Asia with Natalie Cole, Peter Cetera, Ruben Studdard and Canadian Tenor. Her album is ranking within Top 20 in Japan, Korea, Thailand and more. She comes a long way since you insulted her and belittled her achievements. I wonder, are you still a blogger?

  95. Charice are praised by millions of fans worldwide nowadays. How about all of you haters ? Have you all made some progress? If not, it´s right only to change your fans club name. I have a suggestion, why not Anti-Charice Fan Club to All Time Stupid/Moron Fans Club. The suit very well indeed.

  96. You're a loser. If you cannot spot a talent like this, it means you're a dumb guy who cannot spot the difference between Mariah Carey and your cat singing. If you knew anything about singing technique, you would know that what this girl does with her voice, is unachievable to 99% of PROFESSIONAL singers on the mainstream charts. That's what makes her unique. The fact that you've mentioned her family background means only that you're a jerky, talentless person who is jealous of everything better than you. Jealous of everything you will never be.

  97. wonder why people would give a heck?? i mean, there's no use in envy coz the girl already has it...she made it...and she's in a world of full of competition...i guess, she's just too lucky Oprah gave her a nice shot...and for all those other artists who you think deserves the fame Charice is getting, then why on earth aren't they on the mainstream yet?? maybe Charice got something that they don't, huh? im no big fan, but i still dont think it's right to pull other people down just to prove that they're not that good... well, she survived in this mean world, and she's currently rubbing elbows with the A-list Hollywood stars...now..what? eat that! haha ;p can't people just be happy for other people's success???i mean really? or are we that pathetic we just want our crab mentality to dominate over other more-nice-things??

  98. who you anyway??/ you suck!!! loooooser!!!!you can't pull down charice..... she's the best among the rest....you have crab face right?// nyahahah

  99. Crab face?!? You Filipino's are a joke! Charice is a pug faced girl. Her career is over and she'll end up back in the casa with her mom pulling tricks for $5.00

  100. I'm Filipina. My entire family adores Charice. She irritates me. She's talented, I'll give her that. But to me, she's just an imitation of so many other performers who've come and gone before her. She has no voice of her own, no style of her own, and easily agreed to stupid Dr. Vicky Belo when Belo said Charice should have a botox done (HELLO YOU STUPID DOCTOR SHE'S ONLY 18 HER SKIN IS *STILL* STRETCHED AND YOU DO *NOT* GET BIG CHEEKS FROM CHEWING GUM, STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!! AND YOU, CHARICE THAT WAS SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY STUPID OF YOU TO AGREE TO THE PROCEDURES DONE ON YOU!!!!!!!).

    She covered an Ayaka song a while back and I pretty much cried in frustration. There was no feeling or emotion behind her singing (there never is! O_o), and whoever did the arrangements did a HORRIBLE job of keeping the sentiments of the original lyrics. >_<

    But I think what frustrates me the most is that the vast majority of Filipinos are paying attention to her solely because she's Filipina. I mean, look at Jasmine Trias (thrid place, American Idol season 3). She's a Filipina who grew up in Hawaii. She has a cute voice and an okay performer, but everyone here praised her like she was worth all that jazz over her. O___o Honestly, Filipinos -- are we THAT starved for recognition and praise that we have to sing our own!? Why can't we just stay here in our own corner, doing our best, and maybe working harder to be of MORE use to the world as, say, scientists and researchers who are discovering new things that would contribute to global progress, instead of, you know, ENTERTAINMENT. >________< I mean, singers and artists eventually fade. A hundred years from now, nobody will care about Charice. But knowledge and education will endure for years and years to come, and though we may be wrong now, what we discover in OUR present are the keys to discoveries in the FUTURE, and this will endure for millenia to come. Um, okay, I went off on a tangent here. Haha. Clearly I am pissed at how much recognition Charice is getting.

    And lastly, to the writer: screw your generalized degrading comment about Filipinos and us learning English while our dads beat our moms up. I have better grammar than you do, and I've never lived outside the Philippines. For those of us who truly care about our education, English is not just our "second language", since we intersperse it with Filipino so often and so easily that it's only natural for us to speak English, and some people (myself included) even consider it our main language.

  101. I'm Filipina. My entire family adores Charice. She irritates me. She's talented, I'll give her that. But to me, she's just an imitation of so many other performers who've come and gone before her. She has no voice of her own, no style of her own, and easily agreed to stupid Dr. Vicky Belo when Belo said Charice should have a botox done (HELLO YOU STUPID DOCTOR SHE'S ONLY 18 HER SKIN IS *STILL* STRETCHED AND YOU DO *NOT* GET BIG CHEEKS FROM CHEWING GUM, STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!! AND YOU, CHARICE THAT WAS SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY STUPID OF YOU TO AGREE TO THE PROCEDURES DONE ON YOU!!!!!!!).

    She covered an Ayaka song a while back and I pretty much cried in frustration. There was no feeling or emotion behind her singing (there never is! O_o), and whoever did the arrangements did a HORRIBLE job of keeping the sentiments of the original lyrics. >_<

    But I think what frustrates me the most is that the vast majority of Filipinos are paying attention to her solely because she's Filipina. I mean, look at Jasmine Trias (thrid place, American Idol season 3). She's a Filipina who grew up in Hawaii. She has a cute voice and an okay performer, but everyone here praised her like she was worth all that jazz over her. O___o Honestly, Filipinos -- are we THAT starved for recognition and praise that we have to sing our own!? Why can't we just stay here in our own corner, doing our best, and maybe working harder to be of MORE use to the world as, say, scientists and researchers who are discovering new things that would contribute to global progress, instead of, you know, ENTERTAINMENT. >________< I mean, singers and artists eventually fade. A hundred years from now, nobody will care about Charice. But knowledge and education will endure for years and years to come, and though we may be wrong now, what we discover in OUR present are the keys to discoveries in the FUTURE, and this will endure for millenia to come. Um, okay, I went off on a tangent here. Haha. Clearly I am pissed at how much recognition Charice is getting.

    And lastly, to the writer: screw your generalized degrading comment about Filipinos and us learning English while our dads beat our moms up. I have better grammar than you do, and I've never lived outside the Philippines. For those of us who truly care about our education, English is not just our "second language", since we intersperse it with Filipino so often and so easily that it's only natural for us to speak English, and some people (myself included) even consider it our main language.

  102. I'm Filipina. My entire family adores Charice. She irritates me. She's talented, I'll give her that. But to me, she's just an imitation of so many other performers who've come and gone before her. She has no voice of her own, no style of her own, and easily agreed to stupid Dr. Vicky Belo when Belo said Charice should have a botox done (HELLO YOU STUPID DOCTOR SHE'S ONLY 18 HER SKIN IS *STILL* STRETCHED AND YOU DO *NOT* GET BIG CHEEKS FROM CHEWING GUM, STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!! AND YOU, CHARICE THAT WAS SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY STUPID OF YOU TO AGREE TO THE PROCEDURES DONE ON YOU!!!!!!!).

    She covered an Ayaka song a while back and I pretty much cried in frustration. There was no feeling or emotion behind her singing (there never is! O_o), and whoever did the arrangements did a HORRIBLE job of keeping the sentiments of the original lyrics. >_<

    But I think what frustrates me the most is that the vast majority of Filipinos are paying attention to her solely because she's Filipina. I mean, look at Jasmine Trias (thrid place, American Idol season 3). She's a Filipina who grew up in Hawaii. She has a cute voice and an okay performer, but everyone here praised her like she was worth all that jazz over her. O___o Honestly, Filipinos -- are we THAT starved for recognition and praise that we have to sing our own!? Why can't we just stay here in our own corner, doing our best, and maybe working harder to be of MORE use to the world as, say, scientists and researchers who are discovering new things that would contribute to global progress, instead of, you know, ENTERTAINMENT. >________< I mean, singers and artists eventually fade. A hundred years from now, nobody will care about Charice. But knowledge and education will endure for years and years to come, and though we may be wrong now, what we discover in OUR present are the keys to discoveries in the FUTURE, and this will endure for millenia to come. Um, okay, I went off on a tangent here. Haha. Clearly I am pissed at how much recognition Charice is getting.

    And lastly, to the writer: screw your generalized degrading comment about Filipinos and us learning English while our dads beat our moms up. I have better grammar than you do, and I've never lived outside the Philippines. For those of us who truly care about our education, English is not just our "second language", since we intersperse it with Filipino so often and so easily that it's only natural for us to speak English, and some people (myself included) even consider it our main language.

  103. I'm Filipina. My entire family adores Charice. She irritates me. She's talented, I'll give her that. But to me, she's just an imitation of so many other performers who've come and gone before her. She has no voice of her own, no style of her own, and easily agreed to stupid Dr. Vicky Belo when Belo said Charice should have a botox done (HELLO YOU STUPID DOCTOR SHE'S ONLY 18 HER SKIN IS *STILL* STRETCHED AND YOU DO *NOT* GET BIG CHEEKS FROM CHEWING GUM, STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!! AND YOU, CHARICE THAT WAS SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY STUPID OF YOU TO AGREE TO THE PROCEDURES DONE ON YOU!!!!!!!).

    She covered an Ayaka song a while back and I pretty much cried in frustration. There was no feeling or emotion behind her singing (there never is! O_o), and whoever did the arrangements did a HORRIBLE job of keeping the sentiments of the original lyrics. >_<

    But I think what frustrates me the most is that the vast majority of Filipinos are paying attention to her solely because she's Filipina. I mean, look at Jasmine Trias (thrid place, American Idol season 3). She's a Filipina who grew up in Hawaii. She has a cute voice and an okay performer, but everyone here praised her like she was worth all that jazz over her. O___o Honestly, Filipinos -- are we THAT starved for recognition and praise that we have to sing our own!? Why can't we just stay here in our own corner, doing our best, and maybe working harder to be of MORE use to the world as, say, scientists and researchers who are discovering new things that would contribute to global progress, instead of, you know, ENTERTAINMENT. >________< I mean, singers and artists eventually fade. A hundred years from now, nobody will care about Charice. But knowledge and education will endure for years and years to come, and though we may be wrong now, what we discover in OUR present are the keys to discoveries in the FUTURE, and this will endure for millenia to come. Um, okay, I went off on a tangent here. Haha. Clearly I am pissed at how much recognition Charice is getting.

    And lastly, to the writer: screw your generalized degrading comment about Filipinos and us learning English while our dads beat our moms up. I have better grammar than you do, and I've never lived outside the Philippines. For those of us who truly care about our education, English is not just our "second language", since we intersperse it with Filipino so often and so easily that it's only natural for us to speak English, and some people (myself included) even consider it our main language.

  104. At first, I heard the song "pyramid".
    I thought it was amazing,
    Then i started to watch her other music videos on youtube.
    Her voice seems very synthesized in both her "baby" and "pyramid".
    She didn't sound that good on Opera.
    She didn't sound that good on Ellen either.
    This natural voice sent all the way from Phillipines, there are so many talented Filipino singers that are WAY better than her.
    Plus, the fact she is 18 and got botox and skin tightening.
    Celebrity has gone over her head.
    Speaking as a Filipino myself...
    Filipino pride takes the best out of them.

  105. I'm also Filipino, and I also believe that, we as a race, are more intelligent than any other race. Like, for example, I can speak in Tagalog, Visayan, Chavacano, English fluently and I can pronounce japanese, korean, chinese, and spanish words correctly. I can also imitate other people's accents. We are art ourselves, we've created our culture, from many cultures, from many generations long ago. So don't you dare say that we filipinos are low-level people like you who just waste their time sucking things up in their pens. Couch POTATO!! Go get a life.

  106. I'm a quite objective talent-watcher from the Netherlands, watching almost all the talent shows in the world via youtube etc. Charice will be BIG for decades to come. She outsings Whitney & Celine (who don't write their own songs either). Sure, she one of the many many powervoice-women singing the tried old big songs from the 80s (and 90s) when the great 3 were shining. But she does it well. Really really well. And when she starts singing her own songs (the songs the producers made for her just like they made for Houston & Dion), these will be the songs the girls from the talent shows will sing in 2025 or something.

  107. The comment from the Netherlands is believable and drowns out the invective hurled against Charice by her own countrymen. Her countrymen are like a pack of wolves swooping down on a helpless young lady who is working hard to achieve her dreams and bring honor to her country. My unbelief at the viciousness is beyond words. Charice, may God help you and shower you with his bounty, and may he make you strong and steadfast.

  108. I'm not a fan.her voice doesn't have quality,even if she can hit high notes.she sings in high notes just for the sake of showing off her "voice"

  109. Just one question, can you sing like that? I bet you couldn't even reach high notes.

  110. After reading all the vicious and venomenous attacks on Charice as a person and as a singer, my question to all is: what has charice done to you to deserve all your uncharitable and arrogant attacks, opinions or comments? have you thought of this at all and paused before judging and hating her? I feel so sorry for all of you as you do not realise what you are telling about your own selves. May God give you light and understanding, true knowledge and wisdom, humility and gratefulness and love for yourselves and others. it speaks of ignorance and loneliness! you speak of yourselves, full of hatred, judgmental, ignorant and lonely bunch! you claim to be Filipinos? be ashamed of yourselves, get rid of not only your crab mentality, but also ungrateul hearts and minds! "do not judge if you do not want to be judged!", and the golden rule is : "do unto others what you want others do unto you" Your attitudes will lead your souls into hell, if not purgatory! Who are you to attack, hate or judge and ridicule Charice for her person and appearance? Who do not make mistakes? don't you know whatever little or big talent that we have is a gift from our God? do you lot not know that our lives are "gifts from the Creator? who gave you the right to be so critical and judgmental even of being midget of Charice? is it her fault? where is your love and charity? nowhere! because you are a bunch of unhappy, loveless, lifeless beings? i would indeed not use the label "jealous " because you claim to be not so, but you lot are shameless, mindless, heartless, closed-minds, as if you have real talents and are the judges of others; people with real talents are humble people because they recognise their talent is a gift from God and are grateful so they give a chance and support to another one gifted with the same talent! Why critical of Charice if she can't be a songwriter or any other if God did not assign her to be so! who do you think you are? So, you think, being negative, and vicious is right and commendable? you only speak of your own true selves! Give yourselves a break! do not be taken by evil deeds, disgraceful with your swearing, you do not realise! if you do not like something or someone, keep it to yourselves, and if you insist you can't, GET A LIFE! Life that only by asking our Almighty God and in Jesus name, can we achieve! Loving kindness,charity, generosity, humility, gratefulness, joy and peace! if you do not have love in yourselves, what indeed can you give others? what have you learned and teaching yourselves? Pls, pls, before it would be too late, have a change of mind and hearts for the better that you would save your souls! The world can be a better place for us all! don't destroy life by continuing with your mentality and attitude, the CULTURE OF DEATH! I really feel so very sorry for you particularly those who claim to be Filipinos or half-Filipinos!What right have you to say or do what you are thinking and doing about Charice? what pride is there being vicious and falsely judging another, particularly the person in Charice? entitled to one's opinion? how about responsibility and self-examination? what you are saying and doing to charice is irresponsible and selfish!!!!! May God forgive you lot for you do not know what you are saying or doing!!! I am really so appalled reading all your viciousness!! if you cannot give Charice a break, at least give yourselves a BREAK, Tame your tongues, open your minds and hearts to God's loving kindness for us mankind!!! Give thanks to the Lord always! LOVE, HUMILITY AND GRATEFULNESS,the keys to all ills in this world! Love God above all, and love our neighbor as we (should) love ourselves! It is not Charice who will go down the dark dungeon, but yourselves!!!! Pause and Think very well!!! May God, in Jesus name guide you all by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

  111. After reading all the vicious and venomenous attacks on Charice as a person and as a singer, my question to all is: what has charice done to you to deserve all your uncharitable and arrogant attacks, opinions or comments? have you thought of this at all and paused before judging and hating her? I feel so sorry for all of you as you do not realise what you are telling about your own selves. May God give you light and understanding, true knowledge and wisdom, humility and gratefulness and love for yourselves and others. it speaks of ignorance and loneliness! you speak of yourselves, full of hatred, judgmental, ignorant and lonely bunch! you claim to be Filipinos? be ashamed of yourselves, get rid of not only your crab mentality, but also ungrateul hearts and minds! "do not judge if you do not want to be judged!", and the golden rule is : "do unto others what you want others do unto you" Your attitudes will lead your souls into hell, if not purgatory! Who are you to attack, hate or judge and ridicule Charice for her person and appearance? Who do not make mistakes? don't you know whatever little or big talent that we have is a gift from our God? do you lot not know that our lives are "gifts from the Creator? who gave you the right to be so critical and judgmental even of being midget of Charice? is it her fault? where is your love and charity? nowhere! because you are a bunch of unhappy, loveless, lifeless beings? i would indeed not use the label "jealous " because you claim to be not so, but you lot are shameless, mindless, heartless, closed-minds, as if you have real talents and are the judges of others; people with real talents are humble people because they recognise their talent is a gift from God and are grateful so they give a chance and support to another one gifted with the same talent! Why critical of Charice if she can't be a songwriter or any other if God did not assign her to be so! who do you think you are? So, you think, being negative, and vicious is right and commendable? you only speak of your own true selves! Give yourselves a break! do not be taken by evil deeds, disgraceful with your swearing, you do not realise! if you do not like something or someone, keep it to yourselves, and if you insist you can't, GET A LIFE! Life that only by asking our Almighty God and in Jesus name, can we achieve! Loving kindness,charity, generosity, humility, gratefulness, joy and peace! if you do not have love in yourselves, what indeed can you give others? what have you learned and teaching yourselves? Pls, pls, before it would be too late, have a change of mind and hearts for the better that you would save your souls! The world can be a better place for us all! don't destroy life by continuing with your mentality and attitude, the CULTURE OF DEATH! I really feel so very sorry for you particularly those who claim to be Filipinos or half-Filipinos!What right have you to say or do what you are thinking and doing about Charice? what pride is there being vicious and falsely judging another, particularly the person in Charice? entitled to one's opinion? how about responsibility and self-examination? what you are saying and doing to charice is irresponsible and selfish!!!!! May God forgive you lot for you do not know what you are saying or doing!!! I am really so appalled reading all your viciousness!! if you cannot give Charice a break, at least give yourselves a BREAK, Tame your tongues, open your minds and hearts to God's loving kindness for us mankind!!! Give thanks to the Lord always! LOVE, HUMILITY AND GRATEFULNESS,the keys to all ills in this world! Love God above all, and love our neighbor as we (should) love ourselves! It is not Charice who will go down the dark dungeon, but yourselves!!!! Pause and Think very well!!! May God, in Jesus name guide you all by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

  112. After reading all the vicious and venomenous attacks on Charice as a person and as a singer, my question to all is: what has charice done to you to deserve all your uncharitable and arrogant attacks, opinions or comments? have you thought of this at all and paused before judging and hating her? I feel so sorry for all of you as you do not realise what you are telling about your own selves. May God give you light and understanding, true knowledge and wisdom, humility and gratefulness and love for yourselves and others. it speaks of ignorance and loneliness! you speak of yourselves, full of hatred, judgmental, ignorant and lonely bunch! you claim to be Filipinos? be ashamed of yourselves, get rid of not only your crab mentality, but also ungrateul hearts and minds! "do not judge if you do not want to be judged!", and the golden rule is : "do unto others what you want others do unto you" Your attitudes will lead your souls into hell, if not purgatory! Who are you to attack, hate or judge and ridicule Charice for her person and appearance? Who do not make mistakes? don't you know whatever little or big talent that we have is a gift from our God? do you lot not know that our lives are "gifts from the Creator? who gave you the right to be so critical and judgmental even of being midget of Charice? is it her fault? where is your love and charity? nowhere! because you are a bunch of unhappy, loveless, lifeless beings? i would indeed not use the label "jealous " because you claim to be not so, but you lot are shameless, mindless, heartless, closed-minds, as if you have real talents and are the judges of others; people with real talents are humble people because they recognise their talent is a gift from God and are grateful so they give a chance and support to another one gifted with the same talent! Why critical of Charice if she can't be a songwriter or any other if God did not assign her to be so! who do you think you are? So, you think, being negative, and vicious is right and commendable? you only speak of your own true selves! Give yourselves a break! do not be taken by evil deeds, disgraceful with your swearing, you do not realise! if you do not like something or someone, keep it to yourselves, and if you insist you can't, GET A LIFE! Life that only by asking our Almighty God and in Jesus name, can we achieve! Loving kindness,charity, generosity, humility, gratefulness, joy and peace! if you do not have love in yourselves, what indeed can you give others? what have you learned and teaching yourselves? Pls, pls, before it would be too late, have a change of mind and hearts for the better that you would save your souls! The world can be a better place for us all! don't destroy life by continuing with your mentality and attitude, the CULTURE OF DEATH! I really feel so very sorry for you particularly those who claim to be Filipinos or half-Filipinos!What right have you to say or do what you are thinking and doing about Charice? what pride is there being vicious and falsely judging another, particularly the person in Charice? entitled to one's opinion? how about responsibility and self-examination? what you are saying and doing to charice is irresponsible and selfish!!!!! May God forgive you lot for you do not know what you are saying or doing!!! I am really so appalled reading all your viciousness!! if you cannot give Charice a break, at least give yourselves a BREAK, Tame your tongues, open your minds and hearts to God's loving kindness for us mankind!!! Give thanks to the Lord always! LOVE, HUMILITY AND GRATEFULNESS,the keys to all ills in this world! Love God above all, and love our neighbor as we (should) love ourselves! It is not Charice who will go down the dark dungeon, but yourselves!!!! Pause and Think very well!!! May God, in Jesus name guide you all by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

  113. After reading all the vicious and venomenous attacks on Charice as a person and as a singer, my question to all is: what has charice done to you to deserve all your uncharitable and arrogant attacks, opinions or comments? have you thought of this at all and paused before judging and hating her? I feel so sorry for all of you as you do not realise what you are telling about your own selves. May God give you light and understanding, true knowledge and wisdom, humility and gratefulness and love for yourselves and others. it speaks of ignorance and loneliness! you speak of yourselves, full of hatred, judgmental, ignorant and lonely bunch! you claim to be Filipinos? be ashamed of yourselves, get rid of not only your crab mentality, but also ungrateul hearts and minds! "do not judge if you do not want to be judged!", and the golden rule is : "do unto others what you want others do unto you" Your attitudes will lead your souls into hell! Who are you to attack, hate or judge and ridicule Charice for her person and appearance? Don't you know we did not create ourselves? Who do not make mistakes? don't you know whatever little or big talent that we have is a gift from our God? do you lot not know that our lives are "gifts from the Creator? who gave you the right to be so critical and judgmental even of being midget of Charice? is it her fault? where is your love and charity? nowhere! because you are a bunch of unhappy, loveless, lifeless beings? i would indeed not use the label "jealous" because you claim to be not so, but you lot are shameless, mindless, heartless, closed-minds, as if you have real talents and are the judges of others; people with real talents are humble people because they recognise their talent is a gift from God and are grateful so they give a chance and support to another one gifted with the same talent! Why critical of Charice if she can't be a songwriter or any other if God did not assign her to be so! who do you think you are? So, you think, being negative, and vicious is right and commendable? you only speak of your own true selves! Give yourselves a break! do not be taken by evil deeds, disgraceful with your swearing, Make PEACE, not war! if you do not like something or someone, keep it to yourselves, and if you insist you can't, GET A LIFE! Life that only by asking our Almighty God and in Jesus name, can we achieve! if you do not have love in yourselves, what indeed can you give others? what have you learned and teaching yourselves& others? before it would be too late, have a change of mind and hearts for the better that you would save your souls! The world can be a better place for us all! don't destroy life by continuing with your mentality and attitude, the CULTURE OF DEATH! I really feel so very sorry for you particularly those who claim to be Filipinos or half-Filipinos!What right have you to say or do what you are thinking and doing about Charice? what pride is there being vicious and falsely judging another, particularly the person in Charice? entitled to one's opinion? how about responsibility or self-examination? what you are saying and doing to charice is irresponsible and selfish!!!!! May God forgive you lot for you do not know what you are saying or doing!!! I am really so appalled reading all your viciousness!! if you cannot give Charice a break, at least give yourselves a BREAK, Tame your tongues, open your minds and hearts to God's loving kindness for us mankind!!! Give thanks to the Lord always! LOVE, HUMILITY AND GRATEFULNESS,the keys to all ills in this world! Love God above all, and love our neighbor as we (should) love ourselves! It is not Charice who will go down the dark dungeon, but yourselves!!!! Pause and Think! May God, in Jesus name guide you all by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

  114. A lot of Filipinos support Charice, and a lot of Filipinos hate her. Late's face it, not everyone can be pleased, but I don't see any good reason why anyone has to insult an individual like that as if they are the BEST PERSON in the world.

    Do you not get arrogant sometimes? Can you sing as well as her? Do you have the ability to take her down? Do you have the ability to put her up? Fine, you speak and understand English perfectly and Charice has an accent, it's natural! Why, people from anywhere has an accent, and I don't believe that anyone should conform in the ways of the Americans because they think it's the standard. IT IS NOT. I think the reason behind the Filipinos irritating crab mentality is because they themselves don't feel and believe that Filipinos can be and are great. Filipinos should believe that they have greatness in them. Oh, and I am a Filipino, I may not be Charice fan, but I don't hate the way she acts, talks or sings. She's just an entertainer who has done a good job in her career, for me. IT'S A FACT. she's doing well in showbiz, quit bashing her and making excuses for yourselves.

  115. I'd respect you bashers' opinions if you CAN sing better than Charice before saying that her voice is not good. Obviously, 90% of what's happening here is loser-chatter.
    I'm a Filipino but I only appreciate her talent for what it is: GREAT. Please take in mind that "those" Filipinos who talk sh** about her don't even comprise most of us. Prolly just insecure antisocials wanting to say they "think differently" from the FLOCK and brag about it (as if that kind of behavior makes sense).
    And besides, the blogger here is the "dumb" guy, right? And they Pinoy people actually agreed with him. 'Kay. Now you actually have a picture of what's left after the Filipino brain drain.

  116. There's actually very few Charice haters, but they seem more because they use sock puppetry. And those few are so steeped in their baseless hatred that they stomp on a helpless hard-working kid trying to achieve her dreams. They all remind me of Rumpelstiltskin whose face was so wrinkled, deformed and ugly with pure hatred as he danced around a fire, only in their case, they're dancing around Charice like little demons ready for the kill. The Filipina whose mother worships Charice, and all the rest of the haters, are part of this despicable group.

  117. I just hate how filipinos are so absorbed in their racial pride they forget to appreciate real art/culture and are wasting their time with this tiny, ugly, bottox ridden girl from some ghetto nobody knows where. I'm certain there is real talent in the Phillipines, vocal or otherwise and filipino people are generally nice put let's put this annoying little woman in perspective. No one is hating her or wants to bring her down, most people are just stating facts. This also shows how easy is for anyone to get into showbusiness and become a celebrity when you have the right people pushing you up. Although she's not an awful singer her voice is very uninteresting, not natural, nothing new or of any amazement. On top of her singing I've just seen videos of her in Glee and she can't act either, constraint, little to none stage presence, you can't really see anything apart from the other actors, who totally eclipse her. She has no talent at all, like so many other singers/celebrities. I wish Charice all the best and I want to continue laughing at showbusiness putting up this little muppets on stage for financial gaining only. Ultimately, Charice will not make any significant contribution to music or history as a whole.

  118. I'm Filipino and I'm annoyed with people like her ruining the image of Filipinos in the eyes of foreigners. Why does she have plastic surgery? Why can't she embrace her Filipino appearance? I used to like her until she had plastic surgery, now I think she's an embarrassment.

  119. I take back what I said in previous post. Did she really have plastic surgery? Who are these idiots on the internet saying she had plastic surgery if she didn't?

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.





    OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! See an article about most of the Filipino celebrities most of them got plastic surgery. I mean can you believe what crap they show on Filipino TV? Anne Curtis just fucking dance and don't Sing! The Air in the Philippines is polluted enough already...

    If a girl was at her place, she was rejected by the reason of her image then won't you agree that she will clothe herself with pride if she had success in her own way?

    I really pity our country for the crab mentality it has... I can't even fucking say Filipinos are united as one nation as we don't even respect our cultural differences. Tagalogs vs Visayans, Muslims vs Christians. That country of ours has no freakin future....

  122. If Charice is such a great singer, then why was she not nominated for a Grammy?? She obviously wanted it so much because of all her chatter about it! It must mean a lot to her. However, we all know she is just a copy singer and will always be one!!! They just think she is talentless!! Her fans now claim the award is a joke!! A joke?? The most important award in the music industry is not a joke! It defines you as a great singer and performer. You charice fans are such losers!!!

    Stop trying Charice!! You'll never get it!!! LOL

  123. One of the main reasons why people are starting to hate charice is not because of her. It is because of rude overly excited uneducated charice fans. They let their emotions run their mouths before thinking about what they are going to write! Stop attacking people with other opinions of charice, you are contributing to more hatred towards her!

    Go Charice!!

  124. At first, I was really happy for her because finally she had this "break" she really wanted. But after some time, I become more and more irritated with her.

    One, she only yells her words and sadly, doesn't sing. She might have improved a bit but still she tends to yell. I and my friends (who apparently studied music) noticed this. Yelling is not translated to talent, in terms of singing.

    Two, her attitude becomes unbearable. Just because she is now famous doesn't mean she can act arrogant. Have you heard how she treated the Filipino press in her recent concert in the Philippines? Yes, maybe she was tired during that time and accidentally, acted rudely to them. But this issue with her have been heard on Philippine news over numerous times.

    Three, she becomes bigheaded and overly conceited. To top that, her colonial mentality has sucked her up. What has happened to the down-to-earth, simple Charice before she became known? Has the overly Americanized Charice consumed her? Please don't get me wrong; I'm not against Americans or any other nationality. What I'm pointing out here is her being consumed by her fame.

    Haaaay, now I'm really really sad for her.

  125. Why Does OPRAH Care ? Good question only Oprah can answer. As a progressive minded person, humanitarian, philantrophist and social activist, Oprah Winfrey, who experienced poverty herself and have seen human suffering have dedicated to give back and share her success to the world.

    Finding talent in people and helping develop those talents are part of sharing her success to the world. Oprah has given Dr. Phil a big break, Dr.OZ, Rachel Ray of the cooking show and more recently, Charice. I challenge those of you who have vented your anger towards Charice to present Oprah whatever talent you have. I am sure Oprah will be fair to all of you and give you a break if you deserve it.

    Folks, the answer to your question is simple. Oprah Winfrey and David Foster are all about business, not pity. If they did not see that undeniable talent on Charice from day 1, they would not have wasted their time and sent Charice and her mom back to the Philipines with perhaps a few thousand dollars pocket money and a goodluck note.

    Successful people are less critical of others. It is a lesson they have learned on their way to
    the top.

  126. Why Does OPRAH Care ? Good question only Oprah can answer. As a progressive minded person, humanitarian, philantrophist and social activist, Oprah Winfrey, who experienced poverty herself and have seen human suffering have dedicated to give back and share her success to the world.

    Finding talent in people and helping develop those talents are part of sharing her success to the world. Oprah has given Dr. Phil a big break, Dr.OZ, Rachel Ray of the cooking show and more recently, Charice. I challenge those of you who have vented your anger towards Charice to present Oprah whatever talent you have. I am sure Oprah will be fair to all of you and give you a break if you deserve it.

    Folks, the answer to your question is simple. Oprah Winfrey and David Foster are all about business, not pity. If they did not see that undeniable talent on Charice from day 1, they would not have wasted their time and sent Charice and her mom back to the Philipines with perhaps a few thousand dollars pocket money and a goodluck note.

    Successful people are less critical of others. It is a lesson they have learned on their way to
    the top.

  127. I have been to Susan Boyle sites,
    her people from the UK do not call her ugly...they support her and buy her music.

    Canadians don't call Justin Bieber effeminate...they support him. Bieber's people buy his music.

    Charice, whose talents as David Foster said is right there with the Steisands, the Whitneys, the Celines and the Mariahs of the music world do not get the same support from her own kind. They have crucified her for what she is. Shame on the Filipino culture.

  128. What a poor and retarded argument above. Who is David Foster? What's his relevance apart from financial gaining in the music industry? None. We need to support our own musicians even if they suck, right!

  129. charice is a doll who sings from her heart--too many loser haters out there.

  130. i know charice has some talents in singing, but all the hype and over glorification that her fans built on her are now getting much more than that talent she has. even on youtube, you can find her fans (mostly Filipinos) over exaggerate her talent and put her up on the same level of barbra, whitney, celine, mariah or beyonce and sometimes claim she is better than everyone. WTF
    the reason why those singers are phenomenal is that they are ORIGINAL. you can't find that novelty in charice: all she will (CAN) do it to sing other people's songs in higher versions, belt higher and believe me, she tends to scream as well (above E5s) and her fans think that's on par with whitney's unparalled belting.
    A real artist is someone like mariah carey who can not only sing amazing, but also write her own songs, arrange and produce them and how come, just because charice belts higher, her fans put her above every other singer? You guys over glorification on her is something that is making people hate on her more.

  131. I know that Charice can sing. Yeah, she has talent. Yeah, she's some prodigy singer with a backround from 'nothing' (not saying that she is) to 'something' , which made some people look up to her, and now she's riding through fame. ( not. jealous.)
    There are also other singers out there who can sing like that, maybe better. Like in youtube, there's so many different videos of people singing, doing covers like Taylor Swift or The script and so on. Honestly, they're pretty good, they deserve to be famous as well.
    I wonder why of all singers, its Charice who gets to be with Oprah (oh yess, Oprah LOVES charice) or David Foster..or Josh Groban (woah)
    its like...she has a scholarship or sumthin'.
    Has Justin Bieber/Maddi jane/other young singers been through those kind of stuff? being supported by Oprah and suddenly shipped to david foster?
    ( unless the other singers want a different singing life, being with rappers and stuff :D ) nope. well, maybe some singers but i currently don't know anyone yet.

    But, Charice, make us proud ;)
    once you start something, continue it.

    p.s. so how did that Botox procedure thing go? feel better?

    am a Filipina

  132. Another ridiculous post above. Who's Oprah or David Foster in the music industry? Nobodies.. If Oprah put this little maggot in her show she's getting financial gaining from every penny Charice is making, you people know so little about how the industry works that I have no other choice but to pity you. So Charice, average average singer it's been in the States for almost 4 years now, what she has achieved? Very little indeed, poor cd sales, no recognition through a prize or award, we now know she can't act either and is using botox to look less filipina/asian and more western, something that surely is making her fellow country people proud. Short answer, the people, the public put Charice in her place, a second class talentless hack that's never going to contribute or be relevant in the music or acting industry. Only people with ears made of dog faeces and the cultural nous of a gonad are wasting their time with this little little singer.

  133. I was with you until you said David Foster was a nobody in the music business... That's just asinine. You might want to google him. But another post made a better point, why her? There are better singers out there doing it on their own without the multi-media conglomerate that is Oprah or the tutelage of David Foster.

  134. I personally do not like Charice, because she keeps on singing big songs from Celine (my all time favorite), Whitney, and Mariah, trying to be remembered as an addition to the vocal trinity. I've heard and seen Cahrice sing, and I do not like it. She's not using her vocals right, and she's copying their songs lyrc after lyric, note after note. She can't even get her own moves on the stage. If she wants me to listen to her (which I doubt she doesn't), then she's going to have to be much more original and create her own style and let the audience decide if she's able to be even considered as good as Christina for that matter. She singing big songs isn't just going to get her to be remembered as a singer who is just as good as Celine, Whitney, or Mariah.

  135. Having a powerful voice without a pretty face and body cant make you a famous singer,but having the body and the face even without the voice can make you famous,living examples...katy perry,rhianna..I can go on...

  136. Ewww only brown little midget maids listen to chaRice! Fuck you brown monkey philipingos! Take your third-world singer back home! She can't even speak english correctly!

  137. To all of you that don't like success by others.
    You must have have heard of the terms born losers, sore losers.
    If you haven't, it means YOU!.
    I am no Filipino or Filipina. I am a white skin, red blooded american.
    I accept talent of any colors or cultures.
    Charice happens to be a great talent of different color. That does not bother me. I know talent when I see one and I accept it. I am happy for her and her nation.
    so, you all better accept the fact the is superior than you and you need to go back to your elementary school that you never complete and finish it. Then spend the rest of your lives growing up. Please!

  138. Charice is now out from Glee. David Foster left her. Go home, botox carrying monkey!

  139. Charice is shit and will always be shit!! I know this for a fact!!! I'm white and I hate the fact that she thinks she is one!! Speak your own language and stop messing up our own english!! Fucking thirdworld shit!! Fucking can't speak straight english then don't speak it at all and go back to your shitty country! Fucking short ugly hobbit from an ugly country!!!

  140. @this blogger... FUNNY how u criticize Charice just because she has an accent, but if you think about it it's only natural because she is not an american. I have been around and work with a lot of american's and YES they are good in speaking their own language but most of them are DUMB in how they spell the words they are saying... LMAO... and yet you criticize Charice for her accent... can you spell english words correctly??? LOL....

    @HATERS... specially Filipino's you are the perfect example of CRAB's, if you don't see Charice as a good singer then maybe your favorite singer is Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber... and you don't know music... just laughing at most of the comments here because it's simply envy that they are not the one in Charice place... peace out LOSERSSSSS.....

  141. This Little dork thinks she can outdo any one with her yelling shriek! What a fUckiN STUPID idea !THOSE GUYS USED HER TO MAKE MONEY! Not because that they think shes big. Yeah fame =money think people think. Dont be wowed by every girl who sings.


  143. The author of this blog must be feeling very little by now. Imagine people are still commenting after 3 yrs and still Charice is doing very well. Second album just came out in Asia and soon in the US. She might have her US album launching live on TV. Oh yeah ask your wife she might know when Charice will be guesting on the Oprah show(her GODMOTHER)..LOL DID THAT MAKE YOU ENVY HER EVEN MORE...LOL. She's got $(millions)in the bank already so whatever you and other haters might say it really doesn't matter anymore. Getting filty rich is the best revenge isn't it.

  144. As of December 2011 Charice's net worth is $17 million. Not bad for a 19 year old who once upon a time was literally singing for her supper.

  145. Charise is ugly, really ugly, fat and short. Chubby girl with a potato for a head. But the girl has talent. Great voice.

  146. Charice can suck my dick, that Pinay bitch!

  147. CHARICE is a typical singer whose popularity rose quickly and mark my word, she will fall flat fast soon! Her humble beginnings are gone, she has an attitude now, her fame has got to her head, giving her proper education and family values at this time is too late! So sad as i think she has the potential to represent herself well to the world and her country. Goodluck with your career and I hope the people around you are guiding you to the right direction. Believe me, you will only see your real friends when you are no longer earning money. And I hope you will find some.

  148. well...you don't have to be rich to be happy...many poor people still managed to smile, so money will be out of topic here...an advice for you charice if you read this...to win the hearts of people as many as you possibly can, avoid copying others like the way you act now, it is what they hate about you, the way you talk,turn your head,accent,walks,it looks like you're copying someone.just be yourself.being cool,humble and natural is a big tool to be popular ...stop skipping when going to the front stage for God's sake, you look like an idiot when you do that,believe me.there's nothing to change about your voice,its already great,it's about your style they hate about you...but then again...you still cannot please anyone even if you do nothing to them. some may hate you just by looking at you,but at least you minimized them when you go out as natural, ok?

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  150. It's been years since the previous posts were made. I can only ask. Did Charice need a psychiatrist, spiritual counselor that she "ruined" herself to become "he" in search of happiness. Now that she's getting ready to be a male, looking forward to her croaking-breaking voice when she only used to belt it seemingly "seamlessly..." Something went really wrong somewhere. I don't think neither as a she nor a he is really making this Jake Zyrus happy.
