Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Emily Bear Not Charice - Most Talented

So this girl Charice, the one who Oprah thinks is the 'Most Talented Girl Alive' has had some accomplishments lately. She has teamed up with a bunch of has beens from the Love FM favorites like David Foster and Celine Dion. In addition, she performed in her home country to the king. Also, she has that hit song on the radio. What is it called......? Oh, that's right, she doesn't have one because he is rehasher of old songs everyone is sick of and performs for grannies.

Ellen DeGeneres may be on to the child who possesses real genius. Her name is Emily Bear, a prodigy pianist who has written over over 130 songs. Emily is remarkable playing her own compositions as well as jazz and classical masterpieces. Not only is she impeccable but seems to geniunely enjoy herself, becoming engulfed in the music, not like some of these stiff dorks who play out of fear their tighted briefed fathers will berate them if they fail. In addition, Emily has performed not for some mediocre king but for an actual US President, albeit George W. Bush.

I love Emily Bear and can't wait to see her when she tours Chicago to see Ravninia over the summer. She is cute, intelligent, and has an actual talent - music performance and composition. You go Emily!!! I now dub you "The Most Talented Girl Alive".


  1. The person who commented as "get a life" has no rebuttal for this post. This is because there is no arguing about who the real talent is!! Charice will never get a REAL recording contract by singing other people's songs!! No Real Record producer would be in their right mind to sign someone who is NOT ORIGINAL. Charice will never be in the US mainstream music industry by associating herself with has-been producers!! Also, how can you market someone who is no taller than a midget. Her dreams will remain just that, JUST DREAMS! She is not a self proclaimed "International Star" but a self proclaimed "INTERNATIONAL COPYCAT!"

    Learn to read and write music Charice and maybe you will have people's respect as a REAL artist!!!

  2. Be ready to retract all your statements. It's coming, it's coming very soon! It's about to explode.

  3. Relax. I mean, would a legend like Andrea Bocelli just sing with anybody? Hell no! He invited Charice to sing a duet with him for his Birthday concert in Tuscany, Italy in front of a crowd of almost 10,000 people. These veterans don't gamble and simply sing with anyone. Charice is that good. The voice is it. With a good voice, it doesn't matter what you sing, original or not.

  4. Emily Bear no doubt is good and has talent. The difference is we do not say that we don't like her. We don't put her down. We appreciate talent like hers. She has a good future.

    What we do not understand is why people do not open up their minds a little and be willing to really LISTEN and accept what this girl Charice has to offer. Recently, Sasha Cohen skated to Charice's live singing down at the Sears Center (Skate for the Heart event). Sasha Cohen - top skater, Charice - top singer.

  5. By the way, I have Emily Bear's CD as well as Lang Lang's. I also have Charice's CDs. They're all superb!

  6. Don't bother with Charice!! She only knows how to sing one way!! BORING!!!

  7. Don't bother with Luke! He has so many insecurities in life that he has to bash other kind-hearted people. Grow up!

  8. This is for Beth, Luke, or whatever name you wanna come up with. Insecure, jealous and people with low self-esteem by nature seek and find bad things in everyone even if they are not true. Find something good in yourself and maybe you won't be so critical of other people which in no way is your business.

  9. This is for the Anonymous person who has no life but respond to the charice haters: Fuck Charice, Fuck YOU because you and her will never amount to anything!! You probably a poor bastard living in the philippines trying to live through a false idol like charice!!

    If you want to make more out of this come meet me in NJ. I'll make sure to show you an insecure person up close and personal!!

  10. Oh, another gay filipino bastard who doesn't know anything else but use the F word. Sorry, we're not gonna stoop to that level. Instead of using the name Mike, why not change your name to Maria instead.

    And oh, you seem to be so disturbed to be coming back to this post time and again. Us,were just relaxing here.

  11. Fag!! This is a Charice hating site!! Go suck some dick!!

  12. This is for the homo that loves Charice!!

    I guess you are not man enough to meet me?! Where are you from anyway?!!

  13. Dumb fuckers think Charice will be a star!!

    Go relax on a dildo you fucking poor ass biatch!!

    Since charice lovers can't prove she is a star they attack the people who hate charice!!! hahaha lol

  14. hahaha, funny, you're scared stiff aren't you. No one wants to meet ya coz you are THE HOMO! wahahahaha! The homo who is very jealous of this great singer. hahahaha!

    We'll always be here for you. Don't worry.

  15. So many retards here who don't know a thing about singing for sure.

    Must have had their faces dunked in the toilet bowl when they were kids. And they seem to still be kids to this day.

  16. I believe Beth & Charice are immensely talented.

    Mike, I will be in NYC in December. Post an address and I will be glad to give you a visit. Eric

  17. Eric must be a retard!!

  18. Why do the Charice supporters resort to personal attack when responding to those who don't like her?! Got no better argument to make a case for Charice?

    Let's face it. It's been years and Charice has no song of her "own". She keeps singing the same old Whitney, Celine and JoJo ("Note to God) songs. Isn't that a mark of being a copycat?

  19. Pacquiao is the only Filipino to be real proud of, no one else in the Philippines could ever match his worldwide popularity!!

  20. The truth is that even if Charice comes out with a song of her own, the song would probably and most likely be written for her. Technically, that still would not make it her own!! There will still be no ORIGINALITY with her!

  21. Pacquiao the greatest? No way! Floyd Mayweather will beat his ass anytime! Funny these Filipinoe dickheads. They're everywhere.

  22. haha, these haters dont have anything left to say. All theyre putting in this blog are scrap leftovers. They cant create anything new. Now go back to the shithole you all came from! Hmm, that means all the great singers in the world are not original? hahahahahahaha.

  23. "And oh, you seem to be so disturbed to be coming back to this post time and again. Us,were just relaxing here."

    A fan who wants to relax in an anti-Charice blog post? lol Seriously, I don't troll around in Charice fan forums, I don't know what YOU'RE doing walking over and meddling in the other team's camp.

    So many Charice fans have superficial non-intelligent rebuttals that attack non-fans rather than try to make a sensible argument in music terms. You guys are right, I am jealous, scared, have no self-esteem and don't know anything about singing. Consider your mission accomplished.

    I don't think she's a bad singer. She's just boring. Her covers sound EXACTLY like the original versions with a little more shouting that's not easy on my ears. For the sake of being called an artist at least put a little spin on it.

  24. "You guys are right, I am jealous, scared, have no self-esteem and don't know anything about singing. Consider your mission accomplished."


  26. """You guys are right, I am jealous, scared, have no self-esteem and don't know anything about singing. Consider your mission accomplished."""

    No one burst his little bubble. If unsophisticated people can't see through sarcasm, then so be it.

  27. Pacquiao is the best!!

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