Toward the end of the film, the chipmunks are to take part is a talent competition to save the school's music program. Different schools are showcasing their talent and who before my eyes appears, Charise Pempengco, the singer who I have written two less than flattering blogs. She also drives the most people to my website, so "Welcome fellow haters".
Charice comes out singing a bland version of Alicia Keys "No One" which she brings no new spin. We have only heard this song performed 1,000 times every season of American Idol during the audition stage. Was the performance bad? no. Was it anything memorable? no. Do I like to ask myself questions that I know the answer? absolutely.
For a period of time I though she had moved off of the radar, like the Backstreet Boys, but this looks like one last gasp by her agent to try and steal some Taylor Swift fans. Of course they won't be able to because Taylor can write, sing, play an instrument, perform, and has some major talent.
Charice seems like a nice enough girl. I don't have anything against her personally. I am just some dork writing a blog that someone may or may not read. But please stop trying to make me believe she is something she aint.
and who in the hell are you? eat your own shit
Dude, your blog sucks! You are right, these are dumb brain droppings!
Coming from someone who look like 'animal droppings', you really are dumb.
Gosh, look at yourself in the mirror and see how ugly you are before you criticize somebody else.
One thing I am sure of though, is Charice will be far wealthier and blessed than you will ever be in your entire miserable life.
May you and your family go to hell!!!
Taylor Swift does this and that? And don't you know that Charice does all those too and could actually sing? Yeah, you're indeed dumb - because you assume too much about Charice and write. Before even making sure all you write is true. For starters, go look at her personal channel on youtube - Charice - and she does write and compose her own songs too. She plays instruments that she taught herself to, because way back then her family can't even afford lessons. As for Alicia Keys "No One." I happen to think that she has improved on it. She made it more smoother where Alicia (with all the talent she has) struggles on the high notes. Go look at the videos again on youtube - both Alicia and Charice's versions of "No One." Go look at anyone famous or not attempting that song on youtube and tell me who reigns supreme - Charice. Yeah, so it's true you are indeed dumb....
Joy C.
And by the way, I forgot - you don't have to be able to play an instrument or write your own songs to be a famous and successful diva. In fact, check all the top ten divas of this century. All their hit songs weren't even written by them. And yeah, Taylor Swift is talented. But I also want my dose of a real diva in line of names like the Whitney Houstons, Mariah Careys, Celine Dions which Taylor Swift is sadly not. I mean, have you compared this years VH1 divas to the past. Where they joking? So who do you think I believe more? Yeah, the hitman David Foster. Good thing you know and your very own blog's name says it all - DUMB...
Joy C.
My gosh, champion of the little guy, defender of things good and dad with a passion? Wow, Charice is all these (instead of a dad she has her mom). Yet, you keep bashing her? This author has even been writing about her, and the inspiration she is.
You obviously don't know much about her to bash her like this. Her life story alone would put you to shame. You're right, thanks goodness you know - you are just being dumb. Hope you're son/kids end up a better person/people then you.
No Charice doesn't suck. By the name of your blog, you already know who actually sucks - yes, YOU. You're right, you - YOU SUCK!
Just because she doesn't play the style and genre of music you like. She already sucks? Thing is, if that's true, then why even on AI almost all who attempts a diva song always falls and falters. For those in the know (David Foster), or those who like this kind of music - this kind of voice only comes once in a lifetime. Check out this blog of a person who loves divas and knows this kind of music. See the genuis that this girl really is:
For all her 17 years, she already topples everyone who's ever attempted these very difficult songs. And even here she is at 12 years old already even topping all the wanna be divas out there.
For people in the know - this girl's a treasure... Sorry for you, you're dumb....
When even the original producer of Whitney's bodyguard songs acknowledges Charice's talent (even saying she's not just a copycat). Then you know, who really sucks right? Dumb is just another way of putting it....
I hope someone does to your kid, what you're doing to Charice. She also just started doing what she does best to support her family. No formal training - yet she caught the eye of the very best in the industry. That said, again I go back to I hope someone does to your kid what you're doing to Charice. Hate begets hate and you reap what you sow. Hope you'll learn your lesson someday via your family. Charice is her mother's daughter and her brother's sister too, you know....
Dad with a passion of making this world right for my son? You should start with yourself then. Just because Charice is not your family or somebody you know - you put her down. Dude, research about her or her life story. Maybe you could actually learn something from her...
Moira S.
NO, she definitely hasn't moved off the radar. She's just 17 and just starting. In fact, search google and youtube and you'll learn that she's far from being off the radar. Maybe you, you are the one far from the radar. Even on Oprah's web of the Best of 2009 - she won on best musical performance of the year. And you know what, of her fellow nominees like Buble or even Whitney H. She garnered 70% of the votes. Black eyed peas came in 2nd with only 9 % of the votes. So if you tell me - she's very, very far off from being off radar. And as I said before, you are the one who's very definitely off radar this time....\
Charice's upcoming album will fail. David Foster is an over the hill producer, and nobody wants to buy some recycled trash when they can listen to CDs of Whitney and Celine
The writer is right that Taylor Swift is much better. Taylor has her own songs while Charice is stuck in perpetual karaoke/copycat mode. Taylor is a true artist (shce can write songs and play instruments!) while Charice is a third rate lounge singer. Taylor is also beautiful while Charice is butt ugly (mukang siopao na bulok!)
To the Filipinos writing here,
Stop whining. Dave has his own opinion and you keep personally attacking him. Why don't you come up with reasonable arguments instead to counter Dave's points? Make better arguments instead of making yourself look bad by attacking the critic. You make Filipinos look bad as a whole by being crude and dumb attack dogs. The responses here demonstrates why Filipinos are onion skinned people. Tang ina ninyong mga inutil! Mga hayop kayong walang isisp!
Check out my recent blog entry on why Filipinos are foolish for supporting Arnel Pineda and Charice Pempengco (AKA siopao na bulok).
There's no way Charice will get Top40 station airplay. If Miley Cyrus can barely make it, a copycat like Charice will have very little to no chance.
Filipinos spit on themselves by supporting Arnel Pineda and Chanrice Pempengco.
What a failure the person who wrote the blog in the links above, this person will never have peace of mind for the rest of his life, that's for sure. But that's his problem, not ours.
Spending so much time just to write that, hahaha!
Hmm, the wordpress blog writer is much worse than Dave Gee!
Much much worse.
Who is Charice? A nobody from a third world country, with no talent, a copycat, a pub/karaoke singer. Only fools will support this tiny tiny thing. On top she is ugly, fat and her voice makes me sick. Just another internet glorified show that will vanish in no time. Why supporting and give any importance to this minimal hack girl? Get smart people, there is artists with talent out there who actually write, compose and perform THEIR OWN songs. Just a bunch of retards/morons would give this tiny aberration Charice any matter. Do you support and think this third world trash has any talent? You do not know anything about music, singing or talent. Just stop listening to music all together.
What's up, Freddie?
fu** you ! you're a loser, man. stop hatin, i hope karma hits you so fuckinn hard ! i hope the things you say to charice would be said to you or your kids. don't you know how much it hurts to be insulted like that, huh ? charice doesn't do anythin to you man! get your balls re-attached, ok ? and be a man, and PLUS, you're a dad, your disgusting, man. you disgust me so much. i hope you or your kids would be hated so much as much as you hate charice pempengco, that's a curse. it'd happen to you :) bcos i say so. i have powers, you knoe. so be ready cos you're karma is commin to whoop your ass up baby. goodluck wit life..
Charice is a third world trash!! hahahaha true and funny!!!!!
conserved basalt again finnish academic oblige placed selling invoking celebrity assistance
lolikneri havaqatsu
Charice hating sites are the best!!!
Charice is a dirty midget porn star!!
Oh, yeah. Charice sucks and Miley Cyrus can sing. You're such an idiot. Disgusting!
You're a father???
I hope your kids get hated on 10x worse!!!
Let me start...your kids are gonna end up LOSERS having a father like you!
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