The two things I blog about is how Chariee sucks and about kids and the funny crap they do. My two worlds collided last Christmas when I brought my youngin to see his first feature length film at the Loew's "Alvin and the Chipmunk: The Squeakeul". The good news is that old third-somethings won't want to commit harry carry during the film. It is very engaging and David Cross from Mr. Show is an entertaining likeable bad guy.
Toward the end of the film, the chipmunks are to take part is a talent competition to save the school's music program. Different schools are showcasing their talent and who before my eyes appears, Charise Pempengco, the singer who I have written two less than flattering blogs. She also drives the most people to my website, so "Welcome fellow haters".
Charice comes out singing a bland version of Alicia Keys "No One" which she brings no new spin. We have only heard this song performed 1,000 times every season of American Idol during the audition stage. Was the performance bad? no. Was it anything memorable? no. Do I like to ask myself questions that I know the answer? absolutely.
For a period of time I though she had moved off of the radar, like the Backstreet Boys, but this looks like one last gasp by her agent to try and steal some Taylor Swift fans. Of course they won't be able to because Taylor can write, sing, play an instrument, perform, and has some major talent.
Charice seems like a nice enough girl. I don't have anything against her personally. I am just some dork writing a blog that someone may or may not read. But please stop trying to make me believe she is something she aint.