I have seen similar ones to this before. The most popular seems to be a rip off of the milk advisory's slogan "Got Milk" which is replaced with "Got Jesus. The intent of the shirt is questionable. Is the thumper asking for people to volunteer their answer to them. If so, I am sure more people who will approach him or her will be a yes. Most athiests and non-Christians will probably abstain from answering since they are in the 15% minority within the U.S.
Some other notable examples are here to the righ

You would think that if you are going to be a walking billboard for a faith, that you would first read the religions rules. When geek boy in the line for Pinocchio's Daring Journey was wearing his Staples/Jesus T-Shirt, he should have realized that he was violating two of his religions 10 sacred commandments:
3. Thou shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God - I highly doubt that God would say to his believers, "You know how I would really like my name to be spread across the land, let's take the logo from a 1993 dinosaur movie and slap my son's picture on there".
8. Thou shall not steal - I also doubt that Joyce Meyers or Joel Osteen established an agreement with the good people at PepsiCo to have their message tacked on a Mt. Dew or Orange Crush tee, making this a violation of copyright.
So please, if you are going to be preachy, don't be a hypocrite or more importantly, don't be plain stupid.